Tag Archives: CHL

Missionary Letters

Missionary Letters

Along with the new early Missionary Databased just released the Church History Library also has a collection of early First Presidency missionary calls and recommendations from 1877-1918. Many are letters written back to the first presidency accepting their call to serve a mission. There are many letters in the collection from Alfred Cordon descendants. Here are a few:

Omer S. Cordon served Northern States Mission from 1906-1908
FamilySearch KWCY-GYH Missionary Database Entry

Alfred J. Cordon second letter served Eastern States Mission from 1904-1906
FamilySearch KWZ7-QV8 Missionary Database Entry

Alfred Cordon served British Mission from 1901-1903
FamilySearch KWJG-924 Passport Application Missionary Database Entry

Ralph Purl Cordon served Southern States Mission from 1906-1907
FamilySearch KWC1-55D Missionary Database Entry

George Albert Cordon Jr. served Eastern States Mission from 1915-1917
FamilySearch KWZZ-XWXMissionary Database Entry

Charles Alfred Cordon served Central States Mission from 1912 –
FamilySearch KWCY-9BC Missionary Database Entry

Alfred James Cordon served Central States Mission from 1907-1909
FamilySearch KWVH-BXR Missionary Database Entry

New Missionary Database

New Missionary Database

Today a new Missionary Database from the Church History Library will be announced during Rootstech in Salt Lake City. This new database contains information about all the early missionaries sent out to the world from 1830 to 1930.

You can search the new database on the Church History Library’s website.

Early Missionary Database

Of course our favorite early missionary Alfred Cordon is in the Database and if full of useful information as well as links to original documents. Take a look! https://history.lds.org/missionary/individual/alfred-cordon-1817